Post Pill Acne: Why does this happen?


Why do we break out after the pill? 😠😭
The short version answer: the pill never “fixed” our underlying hormonal issues, it masked them. 😣

I uploaded an in-depth video on Youtube, explaining the list below. See my stories/link in bio to understand why I stopped the pill after taking it for years.

❌Because hormonal contraceptives suppress your natural hormones, you might experience: Androgen Rebound (causing an increase in sebum production making us more prone to clogged pores)

❌The pill depletes your nutrients including Zinc (when your healthy immune system is compromised, it doesn’t have the ability to fight infections as well as it should) Zinc also helps you use Vitamin A to support healthy skin, so without much of it, this could lead to breakouts

❌The pill disrupts your microbiome, so don’t be surprise if you experience gut issues (poor digestion leads to build of toxins and greater inflammation)

❌High amounts of synthetic hormones could put more pressure on your liver to process it all. If the liver doesn’t do its job well, then your acne can flare up.

✅There are ways to heal post pill, and I’ve shared lots of information throughout my page. I will continue to do so! Please note that everyones bodies are different. Some women can easily bounce back after the pill, while others can’t. Nonetheless its GOOD to know what could happen to us because it’s our right to know and have access to this information.

❤️Lots of love, your gal, Liz ❤️
#birthcontrolpill #postpill #postpillacne #womenshealth #microbiome #hormonalacne