Time to balance your hormones!


Some tips to balance hormones: I’ve been struggling not just related to period hormones but stress hormones. Sydneys extended lockdown and the thought of teaching 8hrs with a mask on freaks me and my skin out but what can you do. 🙃 besides skincare you can:

✅ Eat real nourishing foods (the body can’t make hormones when it doesn’t have the proper building blocks) so eat foods like leafy greens, healthy fats like avocado, ashwagandha, bone broth is amazing etc
✅ try to sleep regularly (your body heals at night with adequate sleep), lack of sleep throws your blood sugar off balance and disrupts hormones
✅Supplement wisely (mama, omega 3s, magnesium, I might get back on zilch)
✅Avoid caffeine and high refined sugars
✅ Exercise regularly to keep the blood flowing
✅Avoid dairy and excessive meat
✅Add flax seeds in meals (fibre is super helpful)
✅Support adrenal glands through licorice to bring down those hormones
✅Turmeric helps calm down the inflammation too
✅Shot of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water helps balance blood sugar too

I’ll post more info soon 😘don’t want to bombard you in one post! ❤️❤️
#hormones #turmeric #applecidervinegar #inflammation #hormonalimbalance #adrenalsupport #licorice #zilch #supplements