Zilch Acne Journey (Chinese Herbal Medicine)

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Ever worn makeup but skin texture still be looking like a Golden Gaytime or an Almond Magnum at best? 🙋🏻‍♀️ me 😂 I had many moments of weakness during an intense break out (from taking milk thistle ..🙃 the detoxification process was too much for my body to handle). Luckily Zilch Acne reached out to me and sent over their incredibly healing herbal tablets. At first I was extremely skeptical, but because my face was so sore and inflamed, I told myself I had to take a leap of faith and thank god I did! It has literally changed my life and so many others who have also taken my Zilch recommendation!

What is it?
Zilch is an all natural, Chinese Medicine based herbal tablet made up of 17 super potent herbal ingredients that work to reduce inflammation, clear heat and toxicity in the skin and body and promote blood circulation for healing.

Week 1 thoughts:

My active pimples and sore cystic acne have decreased by a lot !! They aren’t painful anymore and mostly left with hyperpigmentation. My digestive system feels great YAY for regular bowel movements😅😝 There have been no negative side effects and the best thing is I don’t have to take these forever because Zilch works in targeting the root cause not merely a bandage over the symptoms . Also keep in mind, diet and skincare are still super important. If I fuel my body with sugar and loaded fat, these herbs won’t do much obvi 😔 Remember a holistic approach is key 🙌🏼✨

Week 4 thoughts:

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It’s been a crazy month. Drowning in uni assignments, celebrating my boyfriends birthday month haha, having family visits from America, putting up with my mums persistent suggestions about what I should do about my acne, feeling angry, feeling ecstatic, feeling alive, losing my temper, having disjointed hours of sleep 💤 , the list is endless. Both the bad and good have really made this month loco. But all in all, it’s been great 😝 I lost myself somewhere along the way due to stress and my skin usually gets so much worse because of the raised cortisol levels but really thankful to have found balance again. Zilch has saved me from further scaring by decreasing inflammation in my body and hence improved my acne by so damn much! Since I also saw the amazing results, I begged to work with Zilch in the long term (I made it my mission to spread the word and they took me on board! Initially I was simply just posting my genuine thoughts without any sponsorship/payment)

Week 8 thoughts:

I’ve been taking Zilch tablets for approximately two months now and they have helped my healing progress immensely. They are basically a concoction of natural Chinese herbs! CHECK OUT MY IG HIGHLIGHTS FOR MORE INFO. Every day I took 4 zilch tablets in the morning and 4 at night for a solid 7 weeks (in my 8th-9th week I reduced the amount to about 3-4 a day) which means I’ve taken about 440 tablets all up. It sounds super excessive I know, but they are pure extracts and usually if you want to do the traditional way you’d be boiling batches of herbs for hours and forced to drink three glasses of super bitter herbs a day (I did that in Vietnam once lmao it was hard) so I prefer taking these tablets instead!

Week 12:

Officially stopped taking Zilch and wow my skin is looking and healthy so calm and clear. I feel so happy having found something I truly believe in because it works. Not only has it cleared my acne, but instigating me to look deep into my health. The internal imbalances came from a number of issues- my over reliance on birth control pills, antibiotics, poor gut health you name it. Once you treat your body as a whole system, you’ll find long term results.

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3 + years later:

I have now over 550+ reviews from my followers who have used my code LIZPP, trusted my recommendation and given Zilch a go. While it didn’t work for everyone (I’m always transparent about this) it has helped so many people immensely. I receive DM’s, comments and progress photos almost daily/weekly and it makes my heart warm that I could endorse something that has such a high success rate.

Definitely worth trying!

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Frequently asked questions:

  1. Does it cause purging? Often no. Personally I never purged and nor did many others. However those who have reported that they did said their purging was very minor and cleared up within 1-2 weeks (This is because the herbal supplement helps increase blood circulation so the breakouts heal faster)

  2. Does it have side effects? No.

  3. When to expect results? I saw results within the first week (my cystic inflamed acne flatten down by a lot, you could still see active red areas but it was flatter. Then by week 4 I would say 90 % of my active acne was gone and by week 12 i was completely clear)

  4. How many tablets do we take per day? Since I had severe cystic acne I took 4 in the morning and 4 at night (total of 8), some people with less severe acne can start with 3 in the morning and 3 at night.

  5. How long do we take it for? Generally would recommend to take it for a month minimum and 3 months max. The supplement is a gentle detox, and logically speaking once your body has found equilibrium you don’t and shouldn’t need to be detoxing forever. I haven’t taken the tablets for a long time now and my skin has stayed relatively clear.

  6. Can men take it too? Yes

  7. What are the exact ingredients:

    Zilch is made up only of 17 herbal ingredients, and potato starch in the granulation process. No added preservatives, chemicals or nasties!

    Prunus persica, Carthamustinctorius, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Hedyotisdiffusa, Angelica dahurica, Gleditsiasinensis, Viola yedoensis, Taraxacum mongolicum, Lonicera japonica, Phellodendronamurense, Paeoniasuffruticosa, Gardenia florida, Gentianascabra, Scutellariabaicalensis, Zingiberofficinale, Angelica polymorpha, Glycyrrhizauralensis, Starch-Potato.

  8. Does Zilch help with hyperpigmentation? While it prevents future scarring and hyperpigmentation by healing the skin, it doesn’t treat existing hyperpigmentation or indentation. I would recommend chemical acids for dark spots and microneedling/lasers for depressions in the skin.

  9. Can I take Zilch in intervals? Yes. After a year of stopping Zilch, I travelled overseas and I know for a fact that change in humidity levels, water and food upsets my gut and skin. I took Zilch for 2 weeks to gently detox to help my body then stopped. This is completely fine and recommended if you want to use Zilch to simply manage any flare ups.