PEPPY CO Cleansing Egg Review

Why silicone facial cleansing tools are better than bristle brush heads: 

👏Physical exfoliating tools work on the uppermost layers of skin. This method speeds up the natural exfoliation rate and help to keep skin soft, smooth, and healthy. These tools have both benefits and drawbacks so be careful!


Benefits of both:

1. Shows immediate results. 

2. Won't interact with the ingredients in the rest of your skincare routine. So it is easily integrated

3. Stimulates blood circulation (which may help drain lymph, renews the nutrients underneath your skin for faster healing and reduce facial puffiness)


1. Both can be expensive 😅but with some cleansing tools you need to swap the brush heads every few months which cost extra $$. This is why I opt for cleansing tools that already has the silicone nubs on the product which is an only one time investment 

2. All cleansing tools need to be properly cleansed and left in dry places to avoid bacteria build up! I used to own a mia brush and it was so gross 🤮🤢because the brush fibres eventually broke down  and microscopic holes formed so there was more places for bacteria and mildew to grow especially underneath where the brush heads need to be attached. Luckily my @peppycoau cleansing egg [LIZ20 for 20% off]  doesn’t have any gaps or areas for extra attachments so the tool is easier to clean. It also has anti bacterial silicone bristles which are non-porous, meaning they are resistant to bacterial buildup😍😍😍. 


3. If you have more sensitive skin, silicone is  the best route because the nubs are much more gentle on the skin than the bristles. The bristle brush heads tend to be firmer and harsh in my personal experience.

Hope this helps! 

Xoxo Your gal Liz ❤️❤️❤️☺️

P.s I use this 2-3 times a week to avoid over exfoliating! I also lower the frequency on more sensitive areas. If I’m using chemical exfoliants I also lessen my use so it depends how my skin feels! Find what works for you ❤️❤️😘

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