The side effects of hormonal birth control pills

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I started birth control pills at the age of around 16 for my acne because my doctor said it will cure it. 🙄🙄
Did it? No. It destroyed my health in the long term.

While it reduced the severity of my cramps, regulated my periods and gave me slightly bigger boobs lol, I suffered from long term side effects that contributed to a declining health😥. This isn’t to induce fear nor shame women on birth control (you do what’s best for you because you know your body best) but to rather allow you to make a more informed decision. Often doctors do not tell us this which is ridiculous!

⁣The pill is usually a bandaid solution, suppressing symptoms and ignoring the underlying root cause then offsetting other side effects like mood swings, depression, weight gain, UTIs, gut health issues, yeast infections, post pill acne and so much more. So please just be wary ❤️

For contraception, wear condoms, look into FAM methods - cervical mucus plus nasal body temperature tracking for instance when done correctly is a wonderful non hormonal option! Research and find what’s best for you ❤️❤️❤️ Ask multiple doctors in different fields! Naturopaths, holistic doctors, functional doctors!

A reminder to those who need hope: It is possible to heal without the pill and within your capacity to relieve symptoms and internal imbalances holistically for long term results. Sending love!

#birthcontrolpills #sideeffects #acne #holistichealing

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