

 HAVING ACNE CAN SUCK 😭😭 It strips me from my confidence and makes me feel so ugly... I remember wanting to wear a cute low cut top for my date night but I refused to because my chest acne. I felt... the opposite of sexy😢 

But after reflecting and staring in the mirror for .. I kid you not like about an hour... I reminded myself that I am SOO MUCH MORE THAN MY ACNE. So guess what? I wore that top anyway and focused on my night with my boyfriend as opposed to stressing over acne that will go away eventually!! 🤗🤗❤️

 Trust me, it was hard for me to do that but I told myself just keep fighting! Anyways my skin isn’t 100% clear now but it has improved by heaps!!!! PLEASE BE KIND ON THIS POST ❤️❤️❤️ still something I’m struggling with but slowly but surely my confidence will grow! Hope the tips below helps!!



  1. Indian Aztec Clay + Activated Charcoal Clay Masque: I mix both powders with apple cider vinegar and apply it all over my chest and back. Wait 10 mins then rinse/scrub it off with my exfoliating shower gloves. I do this once a week and it really helps remove the impurities and dirt from the pores.

  2. Take cool-cold showers. Cool showers are so important. If you’re someone who always takes hot showers, gradually change the water to colder temperatures and you’ll eventually get used to it. Hot showers can destroy the health outer layers of your skin, dehydrating it and causing your body to release more oils. Hot water further irritates your existing acne so please trust me when I say cold-cool showers make a huge difference. It also improves your mood, energy and alertness.

  3. Don’t touch your face. This is the golden rule yet not many people myself included follow this. Your finger nails and hand alone are smothered with bacteria and all you’re doing is worsening your acne when you pick at it. It will also heighten the chances of scaring. If you have to pop them, use two cotton tips as your ‘fingers’.

  4. No dairy. This personally helps me because dairy tends to have a lot of artificial hormones which causes me to overproduce oils and leads to clogged pores. Whenever I have dairy, my skin breaks out and stresses. My stomach doesn’t sit well with dairy because it fails digest it.

  5. Toner- I highly recommend using a witchhazel toner from TN Dickinson. It hydrates, soothes and cleanses the skin. I recommend to do this after a shower, as a form of double cleanse so there’s no remaining dirt on your skin.

  6. Fragrance free baby wipes- this is for when a shower is not close by such as after a game of sport that isn’t in your home town or long hours at uni lol. These wipes help wipe away the sweat so you’re less likely to break out due to clogged pores.

  7. Skincare routine- If you want a super simple routine using one brand I highly recommend Almond Clear Skin (Cleanser and Serum 1/2) Three products that uses mandelic acid to kill the bacteria from forming and renew the skin. See my IG for reviews from my followers who personally used my code LIZ20 for 20% off and tried the products themselves. Game changer. You’ll thank me later hehe.

Hope these tips help! XOXO Your Gal, Liz