How to reset your gut


As you know, my gut was so poor due to my diet, stress and over reliance on antibiotics and birth control pills! 😩😩To make it a little simpler, here are the 5 main steps to help you get started!


The Five R’s

➡️Remove or reduce stress, unhealthy or allergenic foods, environmental toxins etc (Think about gut irritants such as alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, high levels of sugar, carbohydrates)
➡️Replace: Assist your digestive system with digestive enzymes and gut healing foods. (You might be lacking in certain elements key to digestion, such as stomach acid, bile and digestive enzymes, or deficient in nutrients so try get a GI map test if you can!)
➡️Reinoculate: Add in beneficial bacteria with pre and probiotics rich foods/drinks or supplements (For probiotics: garlic, leeks, apples, For probiotics: non dairy yoghurt, kombucha, kimchi, miso soup or capsules from your local chemist!)
➡️Repair: Help your gut heal with nutrients diet full of antioxidants, healthy fats, fibre, high in vitamins (A, C, D and E) and amino acids (like bone broth).
➡️Rebalance: Care for your overall wellbeing on a holistic level. Address your sleep, movement, emotional support, mental health, rest and relaxation habits.

⚠️⚠️Remember this is just a general guide!! Everyone has their own personalised 5R protocol! I find that this general guide has helped me immensely and for stubborn underlying issues that I couldn’t figure out on my own, I worked with a naturopath to get right to the bottom of it!❤️❤️❤️😊
Hope this helps !!

Elizabeth ClaireComment